Exposed Roots on Lily Stem

No, those are not larvae from an insect or other varmints clinging to the side of this lily stem, but are immature "stem roots". If bulbs are not planted deep enough to produce roots underground between the top of the bulb and the soil surface - as in this potted specimen - the bulb will have a hard time taking up enough nutrients to survive. Encouraging the formation of stem roots after planting should be your most important, immediate goal. These critical roots need nutrients within the top 2 or 3 inches of soil - where a top-dressing of fertilizer, compost or well-rotted manure can be placed and where nature provides nutrients in the wild. Stem roots are far more important than roots grown each year from the bottom of the bulb which helps to anchor the stem against wind.
Read Entire Article in our Blog: Lily Bulbs Not Buried Deep Enough
Read Entire Article in our Blog: Lily Bulbs Not Buried Deep Enough