Longiflorum - Asiatic Hybrids (LA Hybrids)

Classification: Longiflorum-Asiatic Hybrid Lily (USDA Zones 5-10, lows to -20° F.)
These hardy, easy to grow hybrids derived from crosses between L. longiflorum (Easter Lily) and the more familiar Asiatics, Orientals, and lilium species add a wide splash of color between your Asiatic and Trumpet bloom times. Found in nearly as wide a range of color as the Asiatics (no near blacks yet) their petal texture is much heavier for extended bloom time. They multiply well and bulbs left undisturbed for two or three years often reach 10 to 12 inches in circumference or more. They all carry a light, pleasing fragrance.
Included in this section are several of the new selections of crosses between L. longiflorum and Oriental Lilies (LO Hybrids) for USDA Zones 4-10. This new division of lilies favors the white and pink shades and it will be years yet before they have the color range of the 'LA' Hybrids. Treat them as you would any Oriental Hybrid. All originally bred in Holland, these varieties all came through with flying colors in our Multi-zone garden trials.
Bulb size: Most are five to six inches in circumference, all Asiatic lily bulbs sold by B&D Lilies are of mature, blooming size. Breeding background and weather conditions from year to year will greatly influence the bulb size at harvest, some cultivars will always be larger than others at maturity.
After 45 years of producing what our customers have told us are the best of the best in lilies, we are retiring after shipping is completed in April. With the lack of available help for planting, harvesting, and processing our bulbs, it seems that the time is right. This being the case, in Mid April, we will be listing whatever stock is remaining. A news letter will be sent out at that time. (There will be no lily bulbs offered for Fall 2023 planting.) For those who have been inquiring about the magnificent hybrids of our longtime friend, Johan Mak, Bob agreed to continue with his selections for shipping and planting during the Spring of 2024. Johan's varieties will be uploaded mid summer after his crop estimates have been completed.
To be sure you are notified, do sign up for our newsletter, the "Let's Connect" link is at the bottom right of this page.
Bob and Dianna
These hardy, easy to grow hybrids derived from crosses between L. longiflorum (Easter Lily) and the more familiar Asiatics, Orientals, and lilium species add a wide splash of color between your Asiatic and Trumpet bloom times. Found in nearly as wide a range of color as the Asiatics (no near blacks yet) their petal texture is much heavier for extended bloom time. They multiply well and bulbs left undisturbed for two or three years often reach 10 to 12 inches in circumference or more. They all carry a light, pleasing fragrance.
Included in this section are several of the new selections of crosses between L. longiflorum and Oriental Lilies (LO Hybrids) for USDA Zones 4-10. This new division of lilies favors the white and pink shades and it will be years yet before they have the color range of the 'LA' Hybrids. Treat them as you would any Oriental Hybrid. All originally bred in Holland, these varieties all came through with flying colors in our Multi-zone garden trials.
Bulb size: Most are five to six inches in circumference, all Asiatic lily bulbs sold by B&D Lilies are of mature, blooming size. Breeding background and weather conditions from year to year will greatly influence the bulb size at harvest, some cultivars will always be larger than others at maturity.
After 45 years of producing what our customers have told us are the best of the best in lilies, we are retiring after shipping is completed in April. With the lack of available help for planting, harvesting, and processing our bulbs, it seems that the time is right. This being the case, in Mid April, we will be listing whatever stock is remaining. A news letter will be sent out at that time. (There will be no lily bulbs offered for Fall 2023 planting.) For those who have been inquiring about the magnificent hybrids of our longtime friend, Johan Mak, Bob agreed to continue with his selections for shipping and planting during the Spring of 2024. Johan's varieties will be uploaded mid summer after his crop estimates have been completed.
To be sure you are notified, do sign up for our newsletter, the "Let's Connect" link is at the bottom right of this page.
Bob and Dianna