Fragrant Peonies
Most of these are highly fragrant varieties, they grow well across the USA from the most severe winter climates to northern coastal areas that reliably have cold temperatures below 40 degrees F. Warmer climate areas should choose Tree Peonies (to be uploaded in February), as they require much less winter chill. Peony roots can be mailed with most lily bulb orders to save shipping. We send 3 to 5 eye divisions, for fast settling-in and possible bloom the first summer. Plant where they can remain undisturbed, in full sun or light shade. Complete planting instructions are sent with your order.

Peony - Pink, Japanese, 28", Mid Late

Peony - White w/light canary yellow, Fragrant, 48", Early, Heirloom

Peony - Rose-pink, Fragrant, 36", Late, Heirloom

Peony - White, Fragrant, 32", Early

Peony - Light pink, Fragrant, 32", Early

Peony - Pink, Fragrant, 26", Early Midseason

Peony - Red, Fragrant, 18", Very Early, Heirloom

Peony - Pink, edges lighten, 18", Very Early, Heirloom

Peony - White, tinged pink, Fragrant, 20-24", Early, Heirloom

Peony - Japanese, 24", Midseason

Peony - Bomb flower type, 36", Early Season

Peony - Semi-double, 28", Midseason

Peony - Full Double Crown, 32", Midseason

Peony - Cactus style bloom. 28" Early to mid season bloom.

Peony - Single flower type, 32", Early to Midseason

Peony - Full Double Crown, 36", Midseason bloom.

Peony - Single Flower form, 30", Midseason

Peony - Japanese flower type, 38", Mid Season

Peony - Full Double Crown, 32", Midseason

Peony - Single flower type, 20", Early Season

Peony - Single Flower form, 24", Early Season

Peony - Flower Type, Fancy Single, 32", Midseason

Peony - Single flower type, 32", Mid Season

- Fancy, single flower type, 36", Mid Season