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 'Lilium martagon'

'Lilium martagon'

Item# LS82
Archive Item
(Species / Wild Lily)
The best known of the European natives, Lilium martagon and its variants have the greatest range of any species. Preferring calcareous soils, Lilium martagon can find a home in every garden provided some lime is added yearly to the soil. Not liking to be disturbed, it will often refuse to send up a stem the first season after being moved. The Turk's Cap flowers are small, but as many as 50 or more can appear on the 4 foot stem of a mature, settled bulb. Carrying a light "wild flower" scent, they do well in shade as well as full sun, of which the latter tends to keep stems from reaching their full potential. Title photo copyright B & D Lilies, all rights reserved.

Photo inset is 'Lilium martagon' being visited by one of our native Swallowtail butterflies. Photo copyright B & D Lilies, all rights reserved.

Photo insert #2 is of a red color form of L. martagon as found and photographed in Northern Greece by Alan Mitchell of Scotland. Photo copyright Alan Mitchell, all rights reserved. Used with permission.

This page is for reference only, not as an offer to sell species bulbs or seeds.
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