'Lilium oxpetalum'
(Species / Wild Lily)
L. oxpetalum whose name means "sharp petaled" is native to western Napal in the Himalayas. It can be found on rocky slopes or in open forests in limestone soils. It only grows to about 10 inches in height at its maximum.
Photo coypright Chris Hind of the United Kingdom, all rights reserved. Used with permission. Thank you Chris.
This page is for reference only, not as an offer to sell species bulbs or seeds.
L. oxpetalum whose name means "sharp petaled" is native to western Napal in the Himalayas. It can be found on rocky slopes or in open forests in limestone soils. It only grows to about 10 inches in height at its maximum.
Photo coypright Chris Hind of the United Kingdom, all rights reserved. Used with permission. Thank you Chris.
This page is for reference only, not as an offer to sell species bulbs or seeds.