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 'Lilium fargesii'

'Lilium fargesii'

Item# ls160
Archive Item
(Species / Wild Lily)
As we have not grown or flowered L. fargesii, we are indebted to Rimmer de Vries for the information he offered in a recent article published by the Royal Horticultural Society.

'Lilium fargesii' was named for the French missionary Paul Garges and is a woodland-edge native of central China and was discovered by Guillaume Farges a 19th century French plant explorer. Rimmer reported this was a small stature species growing to only about 14 inches in a pot with open blooms about the size of a quarter. He grows L. fargesii in a soiless mix of 2 parts Sunshine LFT, 1 part perlite, 1 part coarse vermiculite and 1 part Turface which is a fired clay and uses rain water with a diluted mixture of 20-20-20 for occasional feeding. Seed, when you can find it, is immediate epigeal in germination. Thank you Rimmer for your contribution.

Title photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons and was taken by Denis Barthel. Copyright Denis Barthel, all rights reserved. Published under the GNU Free Documentation License. Thank you Denis for publishing this wonderful photo.

Photo inset is of specimen grown by Gene Mirro. Photo copyright Gene Mirro, all rights reserved. Used with permission.

This page is for reference only, not as an offer to sell species bulbs or seeds.
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