L. nepalense - Lily Species (Nepal)

Just harvested and added to our web site on 11/21/12, these are flowering size bulbs having all flowered this past season.
Flower Description: Considered one of the most beautiful of species, Lilium nepalense produces large, pea-green, open trumpet shaped blooms that are richly colored in royal purple in the throats. Best suited to the cool greenhouse, it likes its leaf mold planting medium to be kept moist through the spring and until it comes into flower. After flowering, pots should be turned on their sides to insure they not become over watered, allowing the soil to dry or they will rot. Watering should begin again in the spring to simulate spring snow melt in its natural environment.
The stem likes to run underground for some distance before emerging. We have had bulbs in 8 inch pots where the stems made more than a dozen laps around the inside of the pot before finally emerging. A stem coming out of a drain hole is not uncommon. It is essential that L. nepalense be protected from soggy ground during the winter months.
Save $6.00 on package of 6 bulbs.
More difficult to establish than our Asiatic, Trumpet or Oriental lilies, our species lilies are guaranteed to be healthy and true-to-name, but not for failure to grow. May take an additional season before blooming and conditions need to be more exacting.
Provide perfect drainage, rocky soil is fine, and don't over water the bulbs during summer or while they are in dormancy. Bulbs resent transplanting and could rot during a cold, wet winter/spring or during the summer, if you add any moisture retentive materials to the soil around the bulb itself. Under no circumstances use peat for L. nepalense, but leaf mold and/or compost as a top dressing in the fall is desirable.
Classification: Lilium Species (USDA Zones 5-9, lows to -15° F.)
Stock #8104 - Lily Species (Wild Lily)
Flower Description: Considered one of the most beautiful of species, Lilium nepalense produces large, pea-green, open trumpet shaped blooms that are richly colored in royal purple in the throats. Best suited to the cool greenhouse, it likes its leaf mold planting medium to be kept moist through the spring and until it comes into flower. After flowering, pots should be turned on their sides to insure they not become over watered, allowing the soil to dry or they will rot. Watering should begin again in the spring to simulate spring snow melt in its natural environment.
The stem likes to run underground for some distance before emerging. We have had bulbs in 8 inch pots where the stems made more than a dozen laps around the inside of the pot before finally emerging. A stem coming out of a drain hole is not uncommon. It is essential that L. nepalense be protected from soggy ground during the winter months.
Save $6.00 on package of 6 bulbs.
More difficult to establish than our Asiatic, Trumpet or Oriental lilies, our species lilies are guaranteed to be healthy and true-to-name, but not for failure to grow. May take an additional season before blooming and conditions need to be more exacting.
Provide perfect drainage, rocky soil is fine, and don't over water the bulbs during summer or while they are in dormancy. Bulbs resent transplanting and could rot during a cold, wet winter/spring or during the summer, if you add any moisture retentive materials to the soil around the bulb itself. Under no circumstances use peat for L. nepalense, but leaf mold and/or compost as a top dressing in the fall is desirable.
Classification: Lilium Species (USDA Zones 5-9, lows to -15° F.)
Stock #8104 - Lily Species (Wild Lily)