'L. Speciosum var. Album' - Species or Wild Lily

Flower Description: Species Lily Bulb (Japan) These pure white flowers are truly angelic in color and form. Light green nectary furrows highlight the centers of this exceptionally hardy lily species. This is one of Mother Nature's finest. Very light fragrance and very late bloom. 3 to 4 feet. Late August/Early September Bloom here in the Pacific Northwest. Light Fragrance.
Editorial Note: This is the last lily to bloom in our fields each year. As the buds begin to color up, we know it is time to change the oil in the tractor and grease up all the moving parts on our 1941 International one row potato digger as the Asiatic Harvest is about to start. With the opening of the first flower, the first Asiatics are lifted from their beds each fall. Since our beginnings, with our first harvest in the fall of 1978, 'L. Speciosum var. Album' has never been wrong about when harvest should start.
Bulb Size - These are species (wild) lilies, which are nursery cultivated and although are expected to be flowering size, will never make the larger sizes commonly found in hybrid stock.
Classification: Lilium Species (USDA Zones 5-9, colder climates w/winter mulch.)
Stock # 8028 - 'L. speciosum var. album' - Species or Wild Lily