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Lily Bulb - 'Tarrango' (Oriental Hybrid Lily)

'Tarrango'  (Oriental Hybrid Lily)

Flower Description: Shown in this photo in one of the breeding houses where "she" is being used as a seed parent, 'Tarrango' is only being offered for spring 2011 at our Flower & Garden show displays. Named for a grape used in Australian wine production, the fragrance, or in wine terms, the bouquet in intoxicating. This lily as made it through garden trials and should be offered in our web and catalog sales this fall.

For those who are curious, the little foil cap over the stigma of Tarrango is to protect the pollen that was used from the father. After the pollen is applied, the stigma is capped so that no "unknown" pollen can spoil the controlled cross. In this way, you know who both the mother and father are in future offspring.
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