'Moonlight Strain' - Trumpet Hybrid Lily Bulb

Classification: Trumpet/Aurelian Hybrid Lily Bulb (USDA Zones 5-10, the colder climates of this range require winter mulching)
Stock # 6015 - 'Moonlight Strain' - Trumpet Lily Bulb
The bright, chartreuse-yellow blooms of these lilies lend a brilliant glow to the large border, and their wonderful fragrance enchants visitors day and night. 'Moonlight' strain lilies remain quite uniform, although flower form still varies somewhat. 5 to 6 feet. July.
Bulb Size - Our standard for bulbs of this Trumpet Hybrid Lily Bulb cultivar ranges from Premium-size» (16/18 cm) to Exhibition-size» (over 20 cm). Click here for details.
Stock # 6015 - 'Moonlight Strain' - Trumpet Lily Bulb
The bright, chartreuse-yellow blooms of these lilies lend a brilliant glow to the large border, and their wonderful fragrance enchants visitors day and night. 'Moonlight' strain lilies remain quite uniform, although flower form still varies somewhat. 5 to 6 feet. July.
Bulb Size - Our standard for bulbs of this Trumpet Hybrid Lily Bulb cultivar ranges from Premium-size» (16/18 cm) to Exhibition-size» (over 20 cm). Click here for details.