L. martagon x 'Terrace City
Martagon Hybrid Lily
Light scent. 3 to 4 Feet. Late May / early June Flowering.
Not often seen in commerce, which is a pity, we really don't know how far L. martagon x 'Terrace City' goes back in time. Shown here on the cover of our Fall 1989 / Spring 1990 it was an “oldie but a goodie” then, over 30 years ago. It also was one of the first hybrids of L. martagon we grew with our first bulb purchased in 1980.
'Terrace City' has a near perfect form with a great elongated inflorescence. The waxy appearing flowers are a soft golden yellow in the center and blend to a soft baby pink extending to the petal tips. The light, delicate spotting pattern is perfect, not to many, not too large, nor are there two few. We are pleased to again offer this magnificent lily that loves light shade and is very popular with the butterflies. June / July Flowering. 4 Feet or more.
Martagon species, as well as their hybrids, resent being moved and fall is their best time for planting for success. Actually, the optimal time for moving a martagon is while it is in full bloom. While the jobber companies (those that just buy and resell) are either not aware of this, or simply don't care being they are not growers, we are and we do. Spring planted martagons often times do not emerge the first season and those that do, often fail to bloom their first season. It is for that reason, we here at B & D Lilies only ship these magnificent lilies in the fall giving you the absolute best chances for success.
More difficult to establish than our Asiatic, Trumpet or Oriental lilies, our Martagon lilies are guaranteed to be healthy and true-to-name, but not for failure to grow. May take an additional season before blooming and conditions need to be more exacting. Martagons pout when they are moved and need to settle back in to their new homes. Provide perfect drainage, rocky soil is fine, and don't over water the bulbs during summer while they are in dormancy. Bulbs resent transplanting and could rot during a cold, wet winter/spring or during the summer, if you add any moisture retentive materials to the soil around the bulb itself. Under no circumstances use peat for L. martagon or its hybrids, but leaf mold and/or compost as a top dressing in the fall is desirable.
Classification: Martagon Hybrid Lily (USDA Zones 3-9, lows to -40° F.)
Stock #4013 - L. martagon x 'Terrace City' - Martagon Hybrid Lily Bulb
Not often seen in commerce, which is a pity, we really don't know how far L. martagon x 'Terrace City' goes back in time. Shown here on the cover of our Fall 1989 / Spring 1990 it was an “oldie but a goodie” then, over 30 years ago. It also was one of the first hybrids of L. martagon we grew with our first bulb purchased in 1980.
'Terrace City' has a near perfect form with a great elongated inflorescence. The waxy appearing flowers are a soft golden yellow in the center and blend to a soft baby pink extending to the petal tips. The light, delicate spotting pattern is perfect, not to many, not too large, nor are there two few. We are pleased to again offer this magnificent lily that loves light shade and is very popular with the butterflies. June / July Flowering. 4 Feet or more.
Martagon species, as well as their hybrids, resent being moved and fall is their best time for planting for success. Actually, the optimal time for moving a martagon is while it is in full bloom. While the jobber companies (those that just buy and resell) are either not aware of this, or simply don't care being they are not growers, we are and we do. Spring planted martagons often times do not emerge the first season and those that do, often fail to bloom their first season. It is for that reason, we here at B & D Lilies only ship these magnificent lilies in the fall giving you the absolute best chances for success.
More difficult to establish than our Asiatic, Trumpet or Oriental lilies, our Martagon lilies are guaranteed to be healthy and true-to-name, but not for failure to grow. May take an additional season before blooming and conditions need to be more exacting. Martagons pout when they are moved and need to settle back in to their new homes. Provide perfect drainage, rocky soil is fine, and don't over water the bulbs during summer while they are in dormancy. Bulbs resent transplanting and could rot during a cold, wet winter/spring or during the summer, if you add any moisture retentive materials to the soil around the bulb itself. Under no circumstances use peat for L. martagon or its hybrids, but leaf mold and/or compost as a top dressing in the fall is desirable.
Classification: Martagon Hybrid Lily (USDA Zones 3-9, lows to -40° F.)
Stock #4013 - L. martagon x 'Terrace City' - Martagon Hybrid Lily Bulb
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