"Fancy Frills" Oriental Collection™

The newest and hottest lilies to grace the world of the Oriental Hybrids are the double flowered varieties. We at B & D Lilies have been on the cutting edge of these hybrid marvels working with the leading breeders. From the very beginning with 'Miss Lucy', voluntarily held back from our catalog while the breeder was defending his ownership rights in court, others were offering illegally produced bulbs under the name of 'Double Prize', the fields are now bursting with future introductions under garden suitability evaluation.
Broker bought bulbs are now entering the market under a variety of "new" names so that they can be offered as "exclusives". We've heard of bulbs going from Holland to Germany, on to England, reshipped to Canada, and then finally brought to the US, all re-named along the way. We use the original breeder names to avoid confusion.
We reserve the right to substitute with another double flowered Oriental lily, should a variety sell out early.
FF-6 Collection contains SIX (6) bulbs, one bulb of each variety listed below. We reserve the right to substitute with another white lily, should a variety sell out early.
FF-18 Collection contains Eighteen (18) bulbs, 3 bulbs each of the varieties listed below for added savings. We reserve the right to substitute with another white lily, should a variety sell out early.
Our "Fancy Frills" Oriental™ Collection consists of the following varieties:
Lodewijk - 2010 Introduction
Clone 40-02 - 2010 Introduction
Double Vision - 2009 B & D Exclusive Introduction
Ishmael - 2009 B & D Exclusive Introduction
Davyd - 2009 B & D Exclusive Introduction
Jozef - 2009 B & D Exclusive Introduction
Broker bought bulbs are now entering the market under a variety of "new" names so that they can be offered as "exclusives". We've heard of bulbs going from Holland to Germany, on to England, reshipped to Canada, and then finally brought to the US, all re-named along the way. We use the original breeder names to avoid confusion.
We reserve the right to substitute with another double flowered Oriental lily, should a variety sell out early.
FF-6 Collection contains SIX (6) bulbs, one bulb of each variety listed below. We reserve the right to substitute with another white lily, should a variety sell out early.
FF-18 Collection contains Eighteen (18) bulbs, 3 bulbs each of the varieties listed below for added savings. We reserve the right to substitute with another white lily, should a variety sell out early.
Our "Fancy Frills" Oriental™ Collection consists of the following varieties:
Lodewijk - 2010 Introduction
Clone 40-02 - 2010 Introduction
Double Vision - 2009 B & D Exclusive Introduction
Ishmael - 2009 B & D Exclusive Introduction
Davyd - 2009 B & D Exclusive Introduction
Jozef - 2009 B & D Exclusive Introduction