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Sunday Best - Oriental Hybrid Lily

'Circus' - Oriental Hybrid Lily Bulb

Item# 7501E
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Flower Description: Great big colorful flowers, medium pink with a coral-pink stripe radiating out from a gold and green nectary, this cheerful clone will produce smile after smile. Tiny reddish speckles in the inner one-third of the flowers add to its unique beauty. These star-shaped, fragrant flowers tend to be out and upfacing, with a slight ruffle on the petal edges; the unopened buds are long and brightly colored as well. Late July. 3 to 4 feet in the garden, but could be taller in light shade or a greenhouse/solarium.

Bulb Size - Our standard for bulbs of this Oriental Hybrid Lily Bulb cultivar ranges from Premium-size» (16/18 cm) to Exhibition-size» (over 20 cm). Click here for details.

Classification: Oriental Hybrid Lily Bulb(USDA Zones 5-9, colder climates w/winter mulch.)

Stock # 7051 - 'Circus'- Oriental Lily Bulb
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